“Prince Harry Urged to Prioritize Queen Over Wellchild Awards Amid Monarch’s Health Concerns”

Prince Harry faced criticism from royal commentator Dan Wooten as he prioritized attending the Wellchild Awards over visiting the Queen at Balmoral Castle.

The Queen, advised by Royal Doctors to rest, postponed her Privy Council meeting, sparking concerns about her health following a recent audience with Liz Truss, the new Prime Minister.

Dan Wooten expressed his disappointment on GB News, highlighting Harry and Meghan Markle’s presence in the UK for charity events amidst the Queen’s health issues.

Despite claims of distancing themselves from royal traditions, the couple’s European trip and public engagements drew attention to their continued association with the monarchy.

The Palace spokesman confirmed the Queen’s need for rest after a busy schedule, leading to the rescheduling of the Privy Council meeting.

Meanwhile, historian David Starkey’s controversial remarks resurfaced, criticizing Meghan Markle’s attitude towards the monarchy and likening her actions to a “royal farce.”

Dr. Shola Moshogbamimu condemned Starkey’s derogatory comments, labeling them as abhorrent and indicative of his lack of remorse for past racist statements.

Starkey’s appearance on GB News stirred further controversy, with his remarks on Princess Diana and Meghan Markle drawing sharp criticism for their sexist and misogynistic undertones.

Starkey’s history of inflammatory remarks, including his views on slavery and transsexuality, has sparked outrage in the past.

His recent comments on GB News reignited debates about his credibility and the platform provided to him by media outlets like GB News, known for hosting contentious figures.

In a previous interview on YouTube channel Reasoned, Starkey’s perspectives on race and British history had already generated backlash.

His latest statements on Meghan Markle and the monarchy underscored ongoing tensions within the royal family and broader societal discussions on privilege, race, and gender dynamics.

As the Queen’s health remains a focal point of concern, Prince Harry’s decision to prioritize public engagements over visiting her at Balmoral raised questions about royal duties and personal obligations.

The juxtaposition of charity events and familial responsibilities highlighted the complexities of balancing public expectations with private relationships in the royal spotlight.