**Meghan Markle’s Struggle with Royal Family Expectations**

Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Sussex, finds herself under scrutiny once again as royal family experts dissect her actions following a series of official trips in 2018.

Author Tana Brown delves into Markle’s reaction to these traditional visits and sheds light on her apparent confusion and frustration.

The Duchess, accompanied by Prince Harry, embarked on a tour to Australia, Tonga, New Zealand, and Fiji, only to be met with criticism and raised eyebrows from within royal circles.

Brown reveals that Markle expressed discontent with the outdated nature of these trips and even went as far as suggesting that she should be compensated for her participation.

The author suggests that Markle held the belief that the monarchy relied more heavily on her presence than she did on their established institution.

Despite attending these events, Markle seemed disconnected from the significance attached to them, displaying a lack of comprehension regarding their importance within royal protocol.

In the aftermath of the tour, author Tom Bauer reflects on the couple’s perceived success during the visits, drawing parallels to the enduring legacy of Princess Diana.

Bauer notes that the Sussexes seemed convinced that their positive reception mirrored the adoration once reserved for Diana, attributing their achievements to a sense of inherited magic.

However, Markle failed to grasp that Diana’s iconic status was cultivated over time through deliberate actions and the crafting of a distinct public persona.

The narrative surrounding Markle’s struggles within the royal family offers insight into the dynamics at play within the monarchy.

Royal family experts, staunch defenders of tradition, consistently align themselves with established norms, often at the expense of newcomers like Markle.

The Duchess, despite her efforts to integrate into the fold, faced insurmountable barriers given her outsider status from the onset of her relationship with Prince Harry.

The perception within the royal “firm” is that Markle disrupted the delicate balance within the family structure by luring Prince Harry away to the United States.

This sentiment underscores the challenges faced by Markle in earning the trust and acceptance of her royal counterparts within a relatively short timeframe.

The entrenched belief that she remains an outsider within the royal hierarchy further complicates her attempts to navigate the intricate web of expectations and obligations.

The ongoing saga involving Meghan Markle serves as a poignant reminder of the complexities inherent in royal life and the enduring grip of tradition on the monarchy.