**Meghan Markle Urged to Drop Royal Title Amid Controversy**

Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Sussex, is facing criticism for her recent actions, with calls for her to abandon her royal title.

Despite stepping back from her official duties, Markle has been reminded to adhere to royal protocols and conduct herself appropriately, given her continued ties to the royal family.

The controversy arose when Markle used her royal title to contact US politicians, including Senator Susan Collins, to discuss support for a paid leave policy.

Senator Collins expressed surprise at receiving a call from the Duchess on her private line, emphasizing the importance of focusing on the needs and opinions of the people of Maine.

Royal expert Angela Levin weighed in on the situation, highlighting the importance of maintaining proper etiquette even after stepping down from active royal duties.

Levin emphasized the significance of good manners and criticized Markle for consistently using her title in various settings, suggesting a more formal approach to engagements.

Markle’s decision to introduce herself as the Duchess of Sussex before reading a children’s book in a recent YouTube video also drew criticism.

Despite agreeing to relinquish their HRH style and titles for professional endeavors, Markle and Prince Harry have faced backlash for continuing to use their royal designations.

Social media users questioned the relevance of royal titles in children’s literature, prompting discussions about the appropriateness of Markle’s actions.

The debate intensified as demands emerged for the Queen to revoke the couple’s titles, given their reduced involvement in royal duties.

While the removal of royal titles is typically reserved for extreme circumstances such as treason or criminal convictions, Markle’s political lobbying efforts have raised concerns about the boundaries between royalty and politics.

Criticism from Congressman Jason Smith underscored the need for clarity regarding Markle’s role and responsibilities.

Despite the public scrutiny, Markle remains committed to advocating for policy changes, particularly in the realm of parental leave.

Her interactions with US senators have sparked debates about the extent of her involvement in political matters and the implications of leveraging her royal status for advocacy purposes.

As discussions surrounding Markle’s actions continue to unfold, the broader question of balancing personal identity with royal obligations emerges.

The ongoing scrutiny highlights the challenges faced by public figures navigating the complexities of maintaining a distinct persona while honoring historical traditions and expectations.