Ardal Ray found humor in Meghan Markle and Prince Harry‘s absence from the Trooping of the Colour event during Queen Elizabeth II’s Platinum Jubilee...
In a surprising turn of events, Prince Harry finds himself increasingly isolated within the royal family as preparations for King Charles‘ coronation intensify. Recent...
Meghan Markle was noticeably missing from Cleo Wade’s recent birthday celebration, where she co-celebrated with actress Nicole Ritchie. The joint extravaganza was held to...
Reports have emerged claiming that Meghan Markle has been left in distress after Prince William allegedly decided not to invite her to Queen Elizabeth‘s...
A controversial new book has shed light on the alleged flirtatious interactions between Meghan Markle and golf champion Rory McIlroy, sparking rumors of betrayal...
The official website of the royal family recently underwent significant updates, notably removing the HRH title from Prince Harry‘s page, three years after he...