**Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s Unacknowledged Visit to Nigeria Sparks Speculation**

The British High Commission in Nigeria found itself in the spotlight recently as it failed to acknowledge the presence of Prince Harry and his wife, Meghan Markle, during their visit to the country.

The royal couple received a warm welcome upon their arrival in Nigeria, engaging in various activities throughout their stay.

However, the social media platforms of the British High Commission remained notably silent regarding their visit, deviating from the usual protocol observed for welcoming esteemed guests from the United Kingdom.

This unexpected silence has led to speculation and raised eyebrows about the reasons behind the Commission’s lack of recognition.

Prince Harry and Meghan’s journey began with a reception by military officials in the capital city, Abuja, followed by a visit to the defence headquarters as part of their itinerary.

Subsequently, they traveled to Kaduna State, where they were welcomed by Governor Yubasani.

During their meeting, Governor Sani presented Prince Harry with a traditional outfit as a gesture of goodwill.

Despite the high-profile nature of their visit, the British High Commission opted not to acknowledge their activities on social media, leaving many curious about the rationale behind the Commission’s decision to overlook the royal couple during their time in Nigeria.

In an attempt to shed light on the situation, Richard Montgomery, the British High Commissioner to Nigeria, addressed the matter in an interview with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN).

Montgomery clarified that Prince Harry and Meghan’s visit was of a personal nature and not an official one.

Consequently, the British High Commission was not involved in organizing or facilitating their schedule, emphasizing that the couple did not represent the British government’s initiatives during their visit.

During their visit to Kaduna, Prince Harry underscored the significance of sports in the rehabilitation of injured soldiers in Nigeria.

He expressed his dedication to meeting with wounded servicemen and women who had served in the Nigerian Armed Forces.

As the founder of the Invictus Games, Prince Harry commended Nigeria for becoming the first African nation to participate in the event.

He highlighted the transformative power of sports in boosting morale and aiding in the recovery of individuals injured while serving their country.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s trip to Nigeria followed their decision to step back from their roles as senior members of the royal family in January 2020.

Frustrated by media intrusion and constraints on developing their Sussex Royal brand, the couple sought a new direction outside the conventional royal obligations.

Although they retained their titles as the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, they relinquished the use of His or Her Royal Highness (HRH) and Prince Harry gave up his military titles.

One incident that attracted attention during their visit was Prince Harry’s absence from a flight carrying other royal family members to visit Queen Elizabeth II before her passing.

Reports indicated that Prince Harry insisted on bringing Meghan Markle to Balmoral, where the queen was ailing, resulting in a dispute that caused him to miss the flight.

While other family members, such as Prince William and Prince Andrew, were closer to the queen during her final moments, Prince Harry’s absence raised questions about the internal dynamics within the royal family.

The silence maintained by the British High Commission in Nigeria concerning Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s visit continues to intrigue observers.

Despite the private nature of the couple’s visit, their prominence and the importance of their engagements in Nigeria make the lack of formal acknowledgment puzzling.